02 October 2007

Show and Tell

Hmmm a nice cool dip in the pool was not so nice when Rob scooped these buggers from the bottom. Aparently Male Mouse Spiders come out looking for females in the build up to wet season. Nasty critters! not ones i want to see again.
No more night swims for me!!!

1 comment:

Jennafina said...

Odi Lee

That will teach you to go skinny dipping!!!!

With the warmer weather now, all the creepy crawlies are on their way out. This morning I went to change the sprinkler and saw this thing wriggling around in the lawn and was a bloody centipede, sent shivers down my spine and thought should I go and get the shovel and cut in in half? (as I have done that before) Guess what could not find the shovel!!! It lives another day.