29 September 2007

Glad this Weeks Over!

Well this week has been so full on!
I sat in on 2 days of negotiations between the MUA and Patrick to get the new Certified Agreement up and happening, that was so tiring listening all day, but great experience.
Thursday i finally got home from work at 6.45pm to be fronted with a notice on the stair well door advising that there had been a burst water pipe under the building and the plumbers were onto it but the water has been cut off and wont be fixed till next day Grrrrrr!!! so of course everything i needed to do involved water!! Rob got home 15 min after me and covered head to toe in iron ore, Hmmm a clean with wet ones was definately not going to cut it! So off we went to a motel for the night. The only upside to the whole thing was that we got up in the morning early and went to the casino for breaky before work Mmmm pigged out all you can eat for $12.95.
Needless to say i didnt need lunch.
Today i babysitted Molly for Toni till lunch time while she drove a golf buggy for a corporate function at her work.
Molly is getting more and more character every day and well babysitting is easy as she just loves the pegs and peg basket, hours of entertainment. Hopefully when i have kids they will be as easily occupied.
Rob is still suffering the hangover from hell as he went out for a few beers after work yesterday- well maybe a few more than just a few! hee hee no simpathy for self inflicted wounds. He hasnt been out for a night on the town for months and i dont spose he'l be in any hurry to go out again real soon. Iv only ever seen him this sick once before.
Dont know what tomorrow will bring yet, prob some mundane house hold chores im sure!!!

16 September 2007

Lotsa Crap n Stuff!!

Well iv finally after 3 or so years i have all my furniture under the one roof.
Iv been busy all weekend going through boxs and chucking the old stuff and keeping the good stuff. It was a little like xmas as there was lots of stuff id forgotten that i had and other stuff i just looked at and thought wwwhy did i keep this??????????
Im a glutton for punishment cause i cant just to the job at hand and that is sort through the boxes and exchange it for stuff in the cupboards that needs chucking out..... No not me i have to then start to go completely through each cupboard and pull everything out, wipe all the cupboards down wash everything that hadnt been sitting for ages, put new cockroach and ant baits down and then put it all back in. Hmmmm once i start i cant stop, think i must have some sort of obsesive compulsive disorder lol.
Did i forget to mention Rob conveniently was at work- prob lucky for him!
Today i thought i deserved a break so i picked up Molly from Cams this morning and met Toni at the Casino for breakfast yummmmmo pigged out then went Crazy Clark shopping to see what bargains and crap we could buy that we just didnt need!! Then Toni came back home to pick through some of my junk that i didnt want. Took Molly for a swim and then they went home.
So like a good girlfriend iv got the yummyest dinner on - a reciepe out of my new slow clooker cookbook that i got on sale at the book shop. Im cooking steamed lemon chicken, how easy! put the chook in a oven bag put sliced lemons over the top and underneath of it (i also put some wedges inside also) mix up cornflour and soy sauce and tip that ova the chook, tie up the bag and put in the slow cooker on low for 6-8 hours presto. Smells yum already.
All ready for when the boy gets home from work. But of course il say that i slaved over a hot stove all day preparing lol.
Anyhoo time to hang the washing out.
Speak soon, Over and Out Rubber Ducky.......

02 September 2007

My Week.....

Well its ben a while since i posted a blog message.

Cant say iv been up to anything superduper interesting.

The later part of this week has been really really quiet, im well and truly ready for Rob to come home, the walls in this house must be getting bored of my constant dribble to my self ha ha ha.

Iv done a bit of sewing. Gearing up for the wet season iv brought a heap of cheesecloth material and made myself some cool throw on dresses for after work and around the house, for $3.50 p/meter how could you go wrong! considering me and Toni were shopping last weekend and they were on sale for $39.00. I did a small experiment to make myself some skorts, i had some years ago and they were great for girls like me who arnt quite as lady like as you should be when wearing little mini skirts. Very chuffed last night at my accomplishments i have decided to made a coupla pairs to wear to work.

Iv been pricing up how much a holiday in NY would be and seeing if the bank account will allow!

I be speaking to you soon 1800!