28 July 2007

Another project finished!!

Iv finally finished Toni's dress! After following the pattern to the tee, the dress just didnt look right so i unpicked the majority of the dress and re-sewed my way, all went to plan and finally the dress is finished. Now paired up with my suade beige CFMB's Toni has something to wear to Steve and Liz Wedding at the end of the month. Thank god for the overlocker, what a god send- now that i know how to use it.

23 July 2007

22 July 2007

Big Weekend!

What a weekend, its been great, busy but great!
Friday nigh i spend sewing , geting to know my new overlocker and finishing off the dress that im sewing for Toni, once i start i get so into it i cant stop until im that tired i cant concentrate any more.

Had all my hair cut off again...... on Saturday, im looking pretty good ha ha ha ha
Straight after my haircut i went and picked up Molly (pic above, note the pretty dress that i made her) as i was on babysitting duties for the day. Me and Molly had a good afternoon, cooked little baked cheesecakes, had lunch and played with her favourite toys (my pegs and peg basket!) and sand songs amazing what will keep a 1.5yr old amused for hours. What a life being a kid!

It was back to household chores today, shopping, washed my car, vacuuming, moping and cooking. What a life :-( ha ha ha

Jen you would have been in seventh heaven i cooked the best roast pork with crackling Mmmmmm Yum, slow cooked all arvo.

15 July 2007

Another Week is Over!!!

Well its been a while since iv blogged but iv been super busy at work with no end in sight!!
However iv had a great weekend :-)
Went out for dinner on Friday night with Rob, went to Ducks Nuts a hip alfresco restaurant bar in town and had what they called Bali Hai- yummy piece of barra over the top ov jasmine rice with fresh asparagus and skewers of prawns and squid Mmmmmmm.
Sewed all day saturday- im making a dress for Toni Grrrr the pattern nearly got the better of me but i didnt give up!
Sat night we went to the DeckChair Cinema (1st time iv been) and watched Bra Boys- What a great movie and was such a lovely night sitting outside under the stars.
More sewing today and a trip to the shopping centre( cant go a weekend with out going to the shops!!)
Sadly the weekend is coming to an end Booo Hooo as i can think of 100 other things i could be doing instead of going to work!

08 July 2007

Friends are like bum cheeks.
Crap might separate them,
But they always come back together.

05 July 2007

Farewell Cold Weather!

Well my time has come to pack the suitcase and go home tomorrow morning!
Iv been, iv trained, iv shopped and iv eaten yummy food (room service of course!).
Once you pop you cant stop- yes iv just cracked open the pringles, kinda my dessert after room service dinner they never put enought of those chips in the box!!!!!
Will be nice to go home to wearing tank tops and shorts again.
Hope you all like my new look site and when i get home il put more pics on too.
Anyhoo Over and Out Rubber Ducky........

04 July 2007

Welcome to Sydney

Well just arrived in Sydney this morning, got the midnight horror flight, feel good now after a few hours kip at the hotel.
Here till Friday for work.
Needless to say that there is a very diffent degree in temp here compared to Darwin, so i had to scrap up all the winter clothes i had, wash em all - Mmmmm smell so fresh now! and packed as many of them in the dinky little suitcase i have so i didnt have to check any luggage in! Well off the plane at 6am and it wasnt even cold, lets hope it stays this way or tables could turn and il jinx myself and it will be snowing tomorrow Brrrrrrrr ha ha ha !!!
Hotel is nice, iv stayed here before, right across from the beach- lovely view.

1800- expect a postcard in the mail and il collect the freebees and send you a parcel :-)

01 July 2007

Territory Day

Well not much chance of getting sleep tonight!!
Territory Day is finally here with much anticipation from everyone this last week that fireworks have been advertised however didnt go on sale until yesterday. Last night was a noisy night with a few people sneekily letting them off in the wee hours of the morning (hard to be sneeky with the big bang). So many shops selling this year its huge.
The curfew is 11pm tonight but if last year is anything to go by the skys will be lit up for the next week.
Just got back from driving past the beach and Mindil Markets and its packed with picnikers and families waiting for night fall.
Ohhhhh the love of living in Darwin!!!!