17 October 2007

Feeling Guilty

Well im on my lunch break and just checking out everyones blog page.
Read Jennafinas and how guilty do i feel, shes just started Tony Fergusons weight loss program so im writing to her being encouraging and meanwhile tucking into my lunch- toasted banana and brown sugar sandwich. Im the one who will need the encouraging words if i keep eating this kinda stuff; but like Jen i love my food!!!!!!!

Its been a while between blogs as iv been so snowed under at work, there hasnt even been any time for idle chit chat emails lately :-(
Hopefully this will all change soon and il be on top of everything when i maybe take on a new role- will tell all soon.

Anyhoo im thinking of you all and will speak soon
Over and out


Jennafina said...

OMG Toasted banana and brown sugar sandwich I'll have my shake any day!! :-)

I hope you get the new position or have you already got it???

I got your message the other day re: American dollars but it is a bit hard when I am up here and when I go to Kal on Saturdays, though I just went to Kal last Friday.

Jennafina said...


My lunch consisted of a banana shake - DELICIOUS