Graeme, Dalma, Robbie, Sue, Alexis & Brett were in Darwin for the Darwin Cup and gave me a call to catch up. Toni and I met them at Ducks Nuts for a couple of drinks and dinner.
For those who dont know who Toni is; she was in Leonora working at the Central she left in 1998, so it was great for her to see all the old faces again (and beautiful faces they are hee hee hee. ) And little Alexis (once a spring chicken) looks great, all grown up and cant believe shes expecting a little bambino at the end of the year, her and Brett look so happy. Then there is Dalma, ohh she cracks me up, always a laugh to be had when she's around, gota love her! Uncle Graeme such a cool dude, good to hear hes still keeping the town in check. and Robbie & Sue great to hear the low down on all the local yocals, oh did i forget to mention him poaching our Darwin barmaids hmmmm !!!
What a great night we had, plenty of reminising and laughing by all!!
Hey Odi Lee,
Bet it was good to catch up with the Leonora-ites, as for Dalma (also known as Dilma Tea!!) you are always bound to have plenty of laughs with her.
When I went to Mary & Colin's wedding Dalma wanted to know how she was getting home - I said to her I will take her home as she was worried about walking home in the scrub with her high heels in the middle of the night! - so I gave her a code (which was a wink and tell her that I am going to the toilet which was the sign to go home) but of course she had another drink her in hand and decided to stay, you gotta love her!
Hey Jodi,
Sounds like you definitely had a great time... Must be my turn to come up for a holiday!!! (cant see that happening til after xmas with the time I'm having now...)
But WHAT's this about Alexis having a bubs??? Allan and Rita are definitely letting me down in the goss department! Last I heard she had only just gotten herself a boyfriend... Geez these bush girls!! lol
Anyhow, catch up with you later. Hope works treating you ok!
Luvs Kylie
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